Privacy Policy

Website privacy policy

Cotswold Mountain Biking is committed to protecting your personal information. It’s your information, it’s personal, and we respect that. We also want to maintain the trust and confidence of every one of our customers, as well as each visitor to our website. This Privacy Notice explains when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it secure. This privacy policy is for this website: and Cotswold Mountain Biking and governs the privacy of those who choose to use it.

How we collect your personal information

Generally, we collect your information when you decide to interact with us. This could include purchasing a guided ride online, over the phone or in person or it could be where you sign up to receive emails from us. We also look at how browsers use our website, so that we can offer the best possible experience whether you’re booking rides or just trying to find out more about our activities.

The types of information we collect

We only collect the information that’s necessary to carry out our business, provide the particular service you’ve requested, manage your safety and to keep you informed. There are occasions when you can choose not to give us certain information, but this for example, may limit the level of personalisation we offer e.g. you may not get to hear about a riding event or activity that you would have liked to have attended.

Why we collect your personal information and how we use it

The information that we hold on you will be used in a number of ways. Here are the main ones: to provide a service that you have requested, to manage your safety on guided rides, to offer you a personalised experience, to understand your needs better, to inform you on events that you’ve asked for and to contact you if we need to obtain or provide additional information.

How we handle your information and other organisations

Cotswold Mountain Biking will never share, sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third parties for marketing purposes without your prior consent.

Some of our service providers may have access to your data in order to perform services on our behalf – payment processing is a good example of this. We make sure anyone who provides a service for Cotswold Mountain Biking meets our requirements for data security. They will not use your data for anything other than the clearly defined purpose relating to the service that they are providing. For example, our payment services are provided by Stripe and all payment information you provide to us is stored on their secure servers. Any payment transactions will be encrypted using appropriate technology. 

How we protect your data

Cotswold Mountain Biking is committed to protecting the personal information you entrust to us. We adopt robust and appropriate technologies and policies, so the information we have about you is protected from unauthorized access and improper use e.g. we do not store any of your information on our website and all our business files are stored on Microsoft One Drive which is a protected cloud storage system.

Your choices

If you want to update the personal information that we hold on you or request that we stop contacting you, you can contact us by phoning, emailing or writing using our details shown on the Contact page on the website. It’s your data and we want to make sure you feel in control of it.

External website links and third parties

Although we only look to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked websites so users should note that they click on external links at their own risk.

Use of Cookies

What are cookies? Cookies are small files saved to the user’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions and usage of the website. This enables Cotswold Mountain Biking to provide a tailored website experience for the user. As required by legislation, users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website on to their computers hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors or use the cookie control system if available upon their first visit.

Social media policy and usage

We adopt a Social Media Policy to ensure that any person representing Cotswold Mountain Biking conducts themselves appropriately online. While we may have official profiles on social media platforms, users are advised to verify authenticity of such profiles before engaging with, or sharing information with such profiles. We will never ask for personal information on social media platforms. Users are also advised to conduct themselves appropriately when engaging with us on social media.